Towards Transition Local Authorities

The Transition Network recently did a day’s workshop with Norfolk County Council.

They started by giving a briefing on peak oil (“You could hear a pin drop…. their realisation that they had none of this information and felt it caused a gap in their planning. As a result of the Civil Contingencies Act (2004) every local authority in the UK has a UK Resilience section that deals with emergencies and risks to business continuity amongst other things”)

Then they looked at some scenario planning, and subsequently at what a transitioned local authority might look like. The meeting finished with a review of what other Local Authorities are doing around the country and how a Local Authority can use the Transition initiatives in their area to cost effectively deliver services.

I don’t know whether Surrey or Waverley councils are ready for this yet, but you can read more about it (warts and all) here:

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